I just wanna thank everyone that reads the blog and supports me and my many adventures.
Ok, here are my credentials for those that just want the boring stuff
Relevant Education:
*Production Assistant Training Seminar- Certified On-Set P.A
*Literary Media at Duke Ellington School of the Arts
*Drama & Creative writing at John Hopkins CTP
*Journalism at the Freedom Forum & Newseum Academy
Literary Credits:
*Winner of CWLA Poetry Slam
*Poetry featured in "Protecting America's Children: A National Message Mural" by Xavier Cortada
*CosmoGirl! magazine contributing writer (monthly Trend spotter featurettes)
*Featured as the cover story 2003 Freedom Forum magazine. Recognized as a "Young Writer to Know"
*Personal blog site since 2007
Production Credits:
* GAS'D/Triangle Circle Triangle Square (Assitant art director) (Previous url: http://gas-d.com/)
* The Colbert Report (The Fallback Position Featurette episode featuring Peter Earnest) Click to see excerpt
* Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon (On-set P.A.)
*The Kevin T. Robertson show (Various media, On Set Production, Camera Operator for Chuck Brown interview)
*Universal Madness Fashion Show (Art director)
Ok.. back to the fun stuff...
So.. for those that dont know me.. Allow me to introduce myself...
My name is ICY!!
I'm from Washington D.C., I'm an Aries and I love love love PIZZA!!!
I love fashion, photography, music, film... and I love dabbling in them all! I guess you can say I dont like to limit myself.
People ask me how to get into the field and honestly... theres no one answer. I can tell you a little about the events that happened for me:
I was at college and got reunited with my brother from another mother, IMANI WADDY.
That's this guy:

He's the CEO of Gas'd now know as Triangle Circle Triangle Square. He ask me to join the team as a fashion consultant. His line is hot. Here's a sample:

In the process of helping him promote and spread word of his line on Myspace.. I started developing a "following" of my own. Mostly other aspiring visual/performing artists that wanted advice on how to get started so to speak. It was weird.. In one day I had about 100 friend request and 100 messages. All ranging from messages asking: "Where do you shop?" or "Your page is hot. Can you teach me how to use photoshop?"
I was so excited and overwhelmed. It was hard writing so many people so I created my site! It started as Icy's Fashion Blog.. now known as www.IcyTheArtist.com
Initially I updated on this blog all the time and interviewed a bunch of cool people in the fashion industry, like these:
P. Santana

Jeantrix Clothing Co.

Jennifer Le

This site started getting great feedback and a bunch of hits a day! It was cool. Soon photographers started inviting me to assist at their shoots and attend different functions. I got to work with very talented people in the industry. I humbly accepted so many offers to volunteer so that I could learn as much as I could. I was in college so all of it was exciting and fun for me. The more I worked different gigs, and the more I blogged... the more people started to offer me opportunities to earn and expand. But one of the main source of my following is because of a super awesome amazing designer from UK named KESH. That's this woman:

She hit me up on myspace and told me she liked my site!! She also put a link of my site on her page and after that my hit counter went THROUGH THE ROOF!! Seriously sky rocketed. I'll forever be indebted to her for that♥
So that my friends brings me to now.. I'm in the process of forming my own company. I want to combine everything I have learned and will help to service other talented people with branding. The company will offer event production, video production, photography, digital editing service.. etc. I also will be working on my on-set production gigs because I love film & any opportunity to watch production in action is wonderful for me.
Art is my passion and I can't see myself doing anything else.
I don't believe in limitations. We were ALL born to shine. Dont forget that!
what is good ol Imani Waddy up 2...I miss that dude..
im sooooooo proud of you
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