Hilary Duff
Lily Allen
Rihanna and Lily lol
Megan Goode
They are gorgeous. Gold door knockers and gold bamboo earrings are a nice retro addition to any young woman's wardrobe. You have to have personality to pull them off though.
***Comment me with the address/url to a pic of you wearing gold bamboo earrings, or door knockers. I will post the pics in a future blog. (Fan pics welcome) :-)
Kisses and couture
why do females hate on megan goode??? str8 up haters...i tell ya lol.
Oh you know I had to post a comment on this! I AM IN LOVE WITH DOOR KNOCKER AND BAMBOO EARRINGS! THEY LOOK HAWT ON EVERYBODY..Worn especially with ponytails!
i think megan goode is really pretty she's gonna have haters so let them hate
I don't know anything about her.I've seen her in a few things, and none of them were very good, nor was she good in them. But they weren't exactly quality acting opportunities. They were dumb, stereotypical roles. As for the earrings, I frankly hate them. They are stupid looking. Way to big and ostentatious, and not in a good, classy way. They look very immature, probably because they are often cheap. They look like the kind of thing that a thirteen year old will buy and wear, but I don't want them and I won't buy them. I simply don't like them.
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