Tobias Wong and Ju$t Another Rich Kid created the Gold Pill.
It's a pill dipped in gold and filled with a 24-karat gold leaf.
It claims to make your poop sparkle.
The fashion industry has made many bold leaps and bounds..but I don't think I support this one.
People are paying $425.00 a tablet just so their sh*t will sparkle.
I am thouroughly disgusted and not surprised at celebrities that are vain enough to make their poop twinkle...
This is a fashion accessory that I can live without..
But if for some reason you would like to purchase this you can visit or click here
Kisses and couture
wow , that has to be THE dumbest thing rich people will spend thier money on
lol what the fuck! lol i couldent even put "wtf" on this one thats just insane whos going to be looking at your poop like that??...that shit has to be hazardous to your body though...
WTF! where can i get some of those! j/k
Hah!...Sparkle sh*t.
Dumbass celebrities will waste thier money on anything to make them look good, even if it is just thier sh*t they're making pretty.
What idiots. X.X
lol! edible glitter does the same, cheaper too!
I don't understand why celebrities need GOLD to make their poop sparkle...
If they're sick enough to want this effect they can put, you know, glitter inside their asses! xD
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