This is one look that takes a LOT of skill to come of looking effortlessly done.
It must be worn properly or I will laugh at you.. hard.
The Bohemian string can look quiet elegant when worn loosely and securely with a cute outfit.
I DO NOT want to see it so tight that your scalp looks inflated!
It shouldn't be worn with colorful nikes, sloppy hair, or too many accesories.
If it isn't worn with a Bohemian-eske outfit... then you are Certified LAME.
Have you seen this look in YOUR city, and do you like it? Comments please!
before this trend came about, i was always a bit hippie like. lol. i'd rock my band with a nice flowey top to a v-neck with cute cut-off shorts. it does depend on what you are wearing. some can pull it off and some can't.
I personally love the bohemian..that is my style right now, but I don't over do it though. I love the headbands
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