Saturday, February 2, 2008

AYE!! It's Santana..and I don't mean Juelz

Do you recognize the lovely woman in these photos??

It's the multi-talented P. Santana
One of those rare people that is excellent at EVERYTHING that they do.
She's been featured in Convention Mag and also on many GAS'D ad's. She even writes on the GAS'D blog now. WOO-HOO!!
This girl is destined for greatness..and she reads MY blog!!!!

Of course I was ECSTATIC when she agreed to an interview

What name do you prefer to go by?
P.Santana, P.S, Sanny Or even the Government Stephanie *smiles*

For people that haven't heard of you (because they live under a rock), let them know what it is that you do.
Im a Model/Photographer. I shoot 97% of my own work. Edit and I style.
Its hard sometimes, but it gets done!

Whats your hometown?
Northwest (Washington) DC *smiles*

How long have you been doing photography?
Since eighth grade but I really started taking it serious a year and a half ago.

How long have you been modeling?
June 20 it will be a year

Describe your personal style.
Poised, classic and a bit trendy!

What trend are you tired of seeing?
Truthfully I'm never tired of a trend. It comes back for a reason or a season!
It never bothers me. As long as you do it right i have no problem.
However you cant be unofficial with a trend. If you gonna rock it, rock it CORRECTLY. Make it your own at least! *laughs*

In your closet right now, what's your favorite item of clothing?
Hmmm..I would say my Grandmother's Moc hat. It's a caramel fur hat with a strap and my black Vintage trench coat(Its cold outside) *laughs*

Whats accesory would you never leave home without?
My mothers alligator brooch. I wear it on most of my blouses, and if it doesn't match I somehow pin it inside my coat! It's kind of a good luck charm.
A symbol that my mothers always with me!
..Shout out to moms *smiles*

Who's style do you most admire? Who are your favorite fashion icons, past and present?
I most admire Oprah (DONT LAUGH)
She's come along way...The lady is sheek and she is the only female I know who can ask Gucci to make her a dress in 2.1 seconds and have it to harpo studio for her by the next taping!
My present Fashion Icon would be Genevieve Jones. She's effortless and classy!
Past would be Marilyn Monroe.

If you could switch lives for a day with any celebrity, who would it be?
I would like to take on Oprah for 1 day and that's it!
Her viewers and show
+Stedman and Gale and etc. etc. ...Oh and them billions!!!!!! One day.. yea.. *laughs*

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction in public? If so, what did you do about it?
Not yet, but Im sure one will come! And when it does you will be the first one I report to! haha.

What do you usually wear to bed?
I usually wear bra and panty's *laughs* (blushes)
Or the lavender silk night gown my mother bought me for Christmas!

What are three things most people don't know about you?
*Im actually humorous and I have a lot of character
*Im going to adopt a child when i turn 21
*I can sing!

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Alive and healthy!
Striving and building my company and career
Receiving and gaining everything I have worked hard for!
Enjoying my family!

Finish this sentence. Before I'm 50 ______I want to...
Shake oprah's hand and tell her I like her "lil" talk show *laughs*
Also go shopping with Icy In Georgetown!

Keep an eye out for Miss Santana. She truly is a force to be reckoned with. Make sure you add her on myspace:
www.myspace/Panamanianfetish or click here!

Kisses and couture


Anonymous said...

You interview tha hottest ppl! her pics are gorgeous and she so down to earth. HAWT

Anonymous said...

wow. beauty and brains

Anonymous said...

wow. beauty and brains

Anonymous said...

seems like an amazing person cant wait to meet her one day! :)

Anonymous said...

Dope Interview
Shes pretty Cool
Go P.Santana :)

h.e.r.fection said...

good read, nice interview girls! :o)

Anonymous said...

P. Santana is the isshh.

Anonymous said...

hi P. Santana

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful.. An her personality is in check.. I would love to meet her someday

Anonymous said...

thats my baby momma ..
She said she wants to adopt a child at 21 but she cant even support the kids she has now !!!

--- Estivaliz A.

Ajani Truth said...

Great interview. I didn't realize she was from DC too. See I learned something. Very beautiful, talented and humble model/photographer. Nothing but love and respect for her.